Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Selflessness, hard thing to get used to!

So, I have been a mom for six weeks almost now, and am to the point where I miss being able to do stuff!! Everything from going to the bathroom, making dinner, grocery shopping, taking out the trash, cuddling with my husband and eating has to be perfectly calculated around our beloved daughter. It is a hard transition from being able to do whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it for the past 29 years of my life, well at least the last 11.
I love my daughter with all that I have in me, I just miss being able to go to a movie, do errands... eat something other than fast food when I am able to be out and about! I know what you are all saying.... "get used to it Amanda, this is your life from now on" and I know that, and I would much rather have her than not, it is just something that I am getting used to.... this whole selflessness thing....
Today I have to go to San Jose to get a few things, and I am nervous about her feeding. She eats every two hours, so I can feed her right before I go, drive 1/2 hour to get there, and have an hour there before I have to drive back... well I want to stay for longer. Where do I feed her? In a fitting room? In a hot car? Do I take a bottle that I pumped before? We shall see how it unfolds....
It is going to take me a while to get used to this whole mom thing.

1 comment:

  1. I feel you, Amanda!! It's a huge adjustment, which won't go away for... potentially a really long time. If it makes you feel any better, I think every mom has the same adjustment to make. And no, I don't think it's the same for dads! 8)
