Friday, July 24, 2009

The Matthews Come to Visit!

Happy 2 Week Birthday Gracie!
Ever since Gracie was born we have become instantly popular by all our friends and family, as well as our doctors. Gracie had her first doctors appointment this week, and after all the anxiety of "are we doing things right?" and "is she supposed to be doing that?".... a lot of worries came to rest when Dr. Solomon said that she was perfect!!! Yup, that's right... perfect! But, we already knew that didn't we folks??? Mama had her doctors appointment as well, and is healing up nicely, but still needs to take things slow for a while... which proves difficult being that we are moving next weekend!!! Help is on the way though!!!

This week as I said in my last post, Stephen had to go back to work, so my mom came to visit and help all week, which was sooo nice! I got to take naps and go to the store without Grace, and learn some tricks of the trade. My dad was also able to "work" his way down this direction to see his granddaughter for the first time, and just didn't want to let her go... very sweet. My sister Chrissy also was able to come down for the weekend and hold her niece for the first time!! It was a great time for the extended family (the Matthews side) to meet the newest addition to the family. Only one missing so far is Auntie Becky and Uncle Jon to come see her, which will hopefully be soon!
We still want to say thanks to all our friends for bringing us dinner still, and Auntie Chris Haskin-Sommer for making us lunch and letting us eat with her at her pool, Gracie's first all day outing.

Grandma Linda put her patriotic outfit on, and took the cutest picture we have of Grace yet, I love her little face, and then look at her feet!
A proud Grandaddy holding his granddaughter

Auntie Chrissy holding for one of the first times!
This week has been a week of firsts for our little Gracie... Her first Dr's appointment, her first trip to Costco, pulled her first all-nighter (much to the dismay mommy and daddy) her first outdoor picnic (covered of course) Saw her Grandaddy and Auntie for the first time. On Sunday she will see her daddy play softball for the first time... I swear she smiled at me for the first time, but I think I am just eager and she was just happy to pass gas.
The more we have her, the more we love her. We just can't stop looking at her and melting with all her cooing and kaaing... we are parents absolutely in love with our daughter... and couldn't be more proud!

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