A joyous occasion! Yesterday 2 dear friends of mine got married! When I say "dear" I mean it! I lived with them both in San Jose, Chad for over 4 years and Jen for over 1. They were not together at that time, it wasn't till after I moved out that they called and said that they were dating... 4 months later they were engaged... and here we are! Chad is Grace's Godfather, which makes Jen her honorary one. We are so blessed to have them in our lives, I love them dearly, and can't imagine them marrying anyone else. They have such a strong walk with the Lord, it is inspiring. Grace was one of the flower girls, and I was honored to be a bridesmaid.
Here is the bride getting ready in the kitchen.... I love the fact that she wore green converse under her dress... sticking to being her self... no picture of that though... she looked AMAZING!!!
Chad looking at his beautiful bride walking down the aisle.
Gracie posing for the camera
My lovely family!
Grace, Karina (jens daughter) and the other flower girls doting on her!
Grace has been cuter than cute of late!! She loves to be mobile and will just crawl everywhere she can. She is talking up a storm, smiling, laughing, giving great bear hugs... she is my love of loves! I cannot imagine loving someone more than I love her. I know every mom says it, and it is true, the love you have for a child is just so pure and beautiful. She gets so excited and flaps her arms all around, and when you come after her she gets this huge smile, shrieks and then turns to try to get away from you.... and when you catch her it's all laughs.... She is talking and babbling and getting up on furniture to walk around.... When you open the door to go outside she just smiles and gets all happy, even if it's just to get the laundry!

It is utterly amazing that something this cute came from me! I give the credit to her daddy though. WE ARE BLESSED BEYOND MEASURE!
It's crazy she is mobile now?!?!? Looks like Gracie is loving life!!! (and you and Stephen appear to be loving life as well) :)