So, it's been about a month since my last post, I apologize. Nothing really big happened, and our camera needed new batteries. Excuses, excuses. Well, Gracie is 7 months old now (in 5 days) and has two teeth!!! Can't really see them because they just broke the skin, but we sure can feel them when she bites them, and there was no mistaking when they came in due to the sheer volume if the shrieking that came from our cute little angel.
Gracie is also very mobile, not "crawling" yet, but she can army crawl and get up on her toes and hands with her butt up in the air. She rocks back and forth on her hands and knees... sooo close to crawling! I am not pushing it, I can wait for her to be completely mobile.... a few more weeks please!
Just introduced to her yesterday is Cheerios, and she can sit in her highchair FOREVER, eating them. Insanely cute:) keeps her busy, mama is happy.
Since she is eating more, moving more and getting teeth, sleep hasn't been as good as it once was. She will wake up 1-3 times per night now, most of the time she will go back to sleep, not always:(
I love her, love her love her! so is so precious. She knows her mommy, and will cry when she sees me because all the sudden she remembers that she is hungry, or sleepy or whatever! It's cute though, I feel loved.
More to come soon. Promise
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