Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More 6 months of Gracie

More 6 months of Gracie! At her doc appointment today she measured 27 inches long, and weighed 15.75lbs! That's 90th percentile in height and 50th in weight! She's our tall baby!

Gracie enjoying a Newcastle. (obviously she is not drinking it Dad if her passy is in!)
Sitting up by herself, though looking drunk, I promise it's a different day!
Her favorite toy, a cool colorful mirror that she loves looking in to (just like her mom)... she loves it! Thanks Aunt Patty, Debbie and Alicia!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009

For Christmas this year the whole Matthews side of the family went to my parents house in Susanville. All of us were there, kids, grandkids and sons in-law. The first time that has happened since my wedding! The Albers also were there spending the holiday in there new house, so we more people to spend our time with them as well.
We had a white Christmas, which is sooo fun, though it was mostly ice at first, but the second night we were there it snowed through the night. I probably gained all my baby weight back, non-stop food, and most if it was cooked by my mama, which only means trouble for me.
It was my first Christmas with Stephen and Grace, and we just had such a great time together. I am so blessed. Grace was a hit, per usual with her Aunties, Grandparents and cousins, I don't think she touched the floor at all, everyone was passing her around and playing with her the whole time, luckily I have to feed her so at least I get to hold her a little bit.
A lot of games, a lot of eating and a lot of rough housing is how our weekend was spent!

Such a cute picture of Zach and Grace. (he is 17 now!!! holy... )

They were trying to get Gracie to smile for a picture! Classic

My parents and all their grandkids
Look how tall they are... They are tall, but let's be real, my dad is pretty short
My favorite family. Such a great picture
This is a framer too of Marina and Sandy

Friday, January 8, 2010

A half year of Gracie!

That's right folks, we have had our little one for 6 whole months! Crazy to believe. I cannot imagine my life without her. The way she laughs at you when you blow her neck, or has a huge smile on her face when you get her out of bed, the way that her arms and legs flap and she squeals when you walk into the room. She is so interested in new things, loves being outside, and just this intense look on her face when she sees something that she hasn't seen before, she will grab it, look at it, then inevitably will try to eat anything and everything.

  • She is now eating solid foods ( a little, more to that soon)!
  • She can sit up and hold her self up for a long time now
  • She loves being on her tummy, and is now scooting and twisting everywhere, she can move almost across the whole living room!(though it might take a while)
  • She is talking more and more, and loves to squeal, especially in church, though we call it making a "joyful noise"
  • She loves toys, and will scream when you take it away, or more commonly when she drops it.
  • Her favorite toys as of now is an elephant her aunt Chrissy got her and the remote control!
  • She loves to jump in her Jumperoo or her Johnny Jump up and can stay in there for like 30 minutes and can give mama a break.
  • She loves people! We have tried really hard to pass her off, and get her used to being held by other people because usually it is just her and myself during the day, and it has been a success. She loves being the center of attention, and will brighten up whenever anyone talks to her and plays with her (am I really that boring?)
  • As much as she loves people, she also knows that her mama brings her food and comfort and will be fine until she sees me, then starts to cry and (kinda) hold her arms out for me (maybe)
I am sure there is more, but I just can't remember everything!

Normally she'll go to bed around 8, sleep till 430-5 then after eating will sleep until 730. Very doable. Though sometimes she can be up for two hours at night!

Pictures to come soon! Promise, Christmas ones as well!